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همين جا...

تاريخ شروع وبلاگ : 21 آبان 1381

همين جا ... وبلاگ سحر وب كه از سال 1381 با نام سحر كلام در دنياي وبلاگ نويسي متولد شد و طي ساليان رشد نموده و حال نيز همچون رودي جاريست گاهي ملايم و گاهي خروشان...

ايمان مدتهاست كه ازش بيخبرم و نمي دانم چرا ديگر نمي نويسد... هر كجا هست خدا نگهدارش… ...

اينجا مال يكي از علاقمندان شهرمانه كه مي خواد كاري بكنه و شهر زيباي همدان را به همميهنان بشناسونه ... اميدوارم موفق باشه...

يك جيزنقي حرف با تو ... منهم كمي حرف باهاش دارم اما بماند براي وقتي ديگر شايد!...


..اميدوارم به سوگندها و آرمانهايشان پايبند باشند هنوز....

زنـدگي كـوانتـومـي

داداش سايه

دختر تنها

اگر از عشق ميشه قصه نوشت






آرمين گيله مرد

ستاره شب هاي باراني

سعيد صداي سكوت

حقيقت مدار


ضيافت هاي دوستت دارم هاي

زبل خان

جوانه ها

بابا و مامان و دخترشون


تنهاي گوشه گير

پله اول.....



سحر در دنياي مجازي

سحر در بلاگر
سحر در بلاگر 2
سحر در پرشين بلاگ1
سحر در پرشين بلاگ2
سحر در پرشين بلاگ3
سحر در آريا بلاگ
سحر در بلاگ فا
سحر در بلاگ اسكي

وبلاگ عكس سحر وب

نوشته هاي قبلي

يك قصه واقعي و هول هولكي

تبريك سال 1388

آخرين نوشته از اين نوع!

يار دبستاني من


خيال نكن نباشي

مكالمه با 162

كمي تبسم


چند سوال احمقانه!


زن رشتي

وبلاگ دوستان



آلبوم عكس هاي جالب

ستاره باران

عشق معنوي

خيره به خورشيد

كلبه تنهايي من


جائي به وسعت حباب

مطالب قشنگ و آموزنده + عكس

روزهاي زندگي

دست نوشته هاي يك عاشق

به زباني ديگر

سايت مرجع متخصصين ايران


ابزار هاي اين سايت


114- يك بد بياري ديگه
113- موضوع روز
112- مقصر كيه؟
111-به بهانه روز پدر
110- شهرت يا دردسر
109- عادت نكنيم كه عادت كنيم
108- روز مادر
107- فرار
106- يك خبر خوب يا يك خبر بد!
105- عجيب اما واقعي
104- سياست مدار كاركشته
103- يك تئوري جديد
102-بدون لالايي
101- آيت عشق
100- زن رشتي
99- سرنوشت!؟
98 - اولين عكس
97 - شكوفايي
95 - گران و ناراحت
94 - آخرين سلام 86
93 - زمستون داره تموم ميشه!
92 - برگ خشك ..
90 - اين روز ها ...
89 - هنوز هوا سرده!
88 - حرفم رو پس ميگيرم ..
87 - گنجنامه
86 - برداشت آزاد
85 - تاسوعا و عاشورا
84 - چرا هميشه تا وقتي.
83 - كي دو تا خورده؟
82 - !يك موضوع بي ربط
81 - عيد قربان
80 - صداي پاي زمستان!
79 - شايد شما هم شنيده باشيد كه!!!؟؟؟
78 - كاسه اي زير نيم كاسه!
77 - If you feed a man
76 - آخرش خياط هم افتاد توي كوزه!!!
75 - برنامه ريزي! يا هذيان هاي شبانه
74 - حواسپرتي
73 - چند روز پيش
72 - روزمره گي!
71 - يادته يك روز ...
70 - Dear Sahar...
69 - عيد فطرت مبارك يادته ؟
68 - سلام ... بدون تعارف
67 - !!! صاحب خانه
66 - يك سال گذشت!؟
65 - يادگارهاي .....(2)
64 - يادگارهاي ..... (1)
62 - صدا
61 - برگ زرد منتظر بود!?
60 - عيدتان مبارك!
59 - مشكلات فرهنگيان !!!
58 - دود مي خيزد
57 - نيم برگي از دفتر خاطرات پدر...
56 - مقدمه
55 - گفتم كه برميگردم!!
54 - اگه منتظرم بموني!
53 - اين اواخر خيلي تنبل شدم
52 - براي ديدن لينك
51 - دنياي با تو بودن
50 - دختر يا پسر؟
49 - اون منم
48 - ميترسم!؟
47 - آنروز كه يادته؟
46 - نوشتن برام خيلي سخت شده؟
45 - وقتي گوش شنوا نيست
44 - شماره ويژه هفته نامه سحر
43 - مي داني ... عادت ندارم
42 - يك نكته!
41 - ساده بگويم
40 - يك اتفاق ساده ...
39 - تلخ و عجيب ...
38 - تنها دل ما دل نيست
37 - فقط جهت اطلاع!!!
36 - آن روز يا امروز !!!
35 - قصه دريا
34 - شما چقدر شجاع هستيد!!!
33 - اندر دل بي وفا غم و ماتم باد
32 - چند وقت پيش
31 - سلام! عزيزان شرمندام!!!
30 - يك‌، دو، سه !!!
29 - خيلي وقت بود
28 - دردسر جديدي به نامBlogger New
27 - امشب به ياد وبلاگ تاريخ شفاهي
26 - هشدار!!!
25 - مواظب سلامتي كامپيوترتان باشيد!!!
24 - در خانه دل عشق تو مجمع دارد
23 - من برگشتم!!!
22 - هرگز مباد
21 - گويند دو همسايه
20 - تقصيرو مقصر!!!
19 - روزهاي تند و تند
18 - Darling I'm Killed
17 - وقتي تو نيستي
16 - چرا؟؟؟
15 - انا لله و انا اليه راجعون
14 - خيلي طول كشيد
13 - درست وقتي كه فكر مي كني
12 - دختر لج باز
11 - براي تو ...
10 - فكر كنم توي چند روز آينده
9 - اشتباه نشود!
8 - كلافي بي پايان
7 - خداوندا...
6 - اين روزها هر چه تلاش مي كنم
5 - حالا خوبه
4 - گاهي وقت ها
3 - به نام خدا اولين ياداشت
2 - كمك
1- انتقال وبلاگم از پرشين به بلاگر



دوستان عزيز:

اگر مي خواهيد از زمان بروز شدن اين وبلاگ با خبر بشويد در خبر نامه   عضو شويد


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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rosamund and the magic fish

Long ago there lived a village Chief who had no wife. He had a beautiful daughter who was called Rosamund. The Chief married again and Rosamund's stepmother did not love her. When the Chief died, Rosamund's stepmother made her work hard. She had to chop wood and get water from deep wells. The
stepmother's daughter, Rosamund's stepsister, did not work'at all. She was very lazy and very ugly but she
thought she was very beautiful. She spent all day looking at herself in a mirror. Her mother loved her.
One day Rosamund found a fish in a bucket of well water. It was gold and red and very beautiful.
Rosamund took it home and put it in a big. glass bowl. She looked after it and fed it every day. When the fish
grew too big for the bowl. she took it to a pond. Every time she went to the pond, the fish came up to meet her.
Rosamund's stepmother asked herself, 'Why does that girl go down to the pond every day?' One morning
she sent Rosamund to a well that was a long way off. Then she dressed in Rosamund's clothes and went to
the pond. The fish thought she was Rosamund and came up to meet her. The wicked stepmother killed it
with a knife, took it home and cooked it for supper.
She hid the bones under some rubbish. When Rosamund returned home, she went at once to the pond, but she could not find her fish. The next day she went to the wood to get some sticks. She was crying because she was thinking about the fish. She I met a man who said,! know why you are crying. It
was your wicked stepmother who killed your fish.
Don't cry.I havbones of the fish under the rubbish. Hide them in your room and then wish for anything you want. You shall have everything that you ask for. Some time later the stepmother went to a great
party for all the important people who lived in the district. She would not let Rosamund go. 'You have nothing to wear. Besides you have lots of work to do,'the stepmother told her. There is wood to chop and water to fetch. When you have done that, you I must sweep all the floors and clean all the windows!' Proor Kosamund! She wanted to go the the party very much. If I had a dress and some slippers, I could go to
the party, she thought. Then she remembered the fishg bones. She went to her room, took out the bones and
asked them for a dress and some slippers. At once she found herself wearing a beautiful long dress and a pair
of lovely, shining slippers. She hurried off to the party. Rosamund enjoyed the party very much. Everyone
was kind to her because she was such a beautiful and likeable person.
I have never been so happy in my life!' she thought. At first her stepmother and stepsister did not know
ho she was because she was wearing the beautiful dress and slippers. Then they began to move closer to
her to have a bettre look. I must go! thought Rosamund.She left the room and ran home as fast as she could. She ran so fast that she lost one other slippers and did not go back for it.
The next day someone found the slipper. He gave it to a friend who gave it to his friend. The slipper was
passed on in this way until it came into the hands of the King of a nearby country. He knew at once that
the owner of the slipper should be his wife. 'Find the owner of this slipper,' he ordered.I shall
marry her. The King's messengers went everywhere to try to find the slipper's owner. At last they came to Rosamund's home.
It's my slipper,said Rosamund's stepsister.I lost it at the party. I shall marry the King.
But when she tried to put it on, her foot was much too big. 'May I try, please?' said Rosamund.
Her stepmother laughed. 'Of course not,' she said. 'How can it be your slipper?'
But the messengers said, 'She shall try.' Rosamund put on the slipper and she also brought
out the other slipper, which she had kept in her bedroom.
'It is yours,' said the messenger. 'You will be our new Queen!'
The King married Rosamund and they lived very happy lives. But Rosamund remembered how
unhappy she was once and how hard she had to work. She always tried to help poor and unhappy people and
she never forgot the fish that brought her so much happiness.


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:منشور وبلاگ من

يادم باشد
حرفي نزنم كه به كسي بر بخورد
نگاهي نكنم تا دل كسي بلرزد
راهي نروم كه بيراه باشد
خطي ننويسم كه آزار دهد كسي را
يادم باشد
كه روز و روزگار خوش است
همه چيز رو به راه بر وفق مراد است و
تنها دل ما دل نيست
آره .....

:توجه فرمائيد

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